OOP in Go: Structs

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Go is a statically typed language that supports object-oriented programming(OOP) concepts, but is not an OOP programming language.

One of the key features of Go is its support for struct types and interfaces. A struct is similar to a class in object-oriented languages. Go structs allow mimicking OOP features such as Encapsulation, Abstraction and Inheritance.

  • Encapsulation: Go structs can be used to encapsulate data and methods together.

  • Inheritance: A struct can contain fields of other structs, which can be used to achieve composition and code reuse.

  • Polymorphism: Go doesn't have traditional polymorphism like inheritance-based languages, but it provides interface-based polymorphism.*

  • Abstraction: By grouping related data and methods in a struct, the rest of the program can interact with it through a simple interface without knowing the underlying implementation details.

In this blog post, we will discuss Go structs and their usage in the language.

Structs are user-defined types that group together zero or more values under a single name. In Go, a struct is defined using the type keyword followed by the name of the struct and the keyword struct.

type Person struct {
    name string 
    age int 
    netIncome int
    debt int

type Employee struct {
    salary int

In the above example, we created Person and Employee structs. Note that the Employee struct implements the Person struct but also has an additional field, salary. We can create a new Person object by initializing its fields with values.

p := Person{name: "John", age: 30, netIncome: 50000, debt: 10000}

Here, we created a Person p and populated the fields with values. We can now have p as an Employee with a salary of ₹60,000.

e := Employee{Person: p, salary: 60000}

Structs can also have methods associated with them, which can be defined as regular functions, with additional receiver arguments.

func (p Person) NetWorth() int {
    return p.netIncome - p.debt

In the above example, we defined a method NetWorth() that calculates the net worth of p. By defining the method with p as receiver argument, we can access the fields of p.

In this blog post, we explored the basics of defining and using Go structs by creating a Person and Employee struct with fields and methods, and initializing their values. We also briefly touched on receiver arguments, which are used in defining methods associated with structs.

* Interfaces and Receivers will be covered in detail in future blog posts.